Open DD Season 4 Event 9 (#56)

Friday 2nd July 2021, 19:00 UTC

Server: PiranMOTODestructionDerby
Event Type: Standard Meet
Season: Open DD Season 4
Points Scheme: 10/10
Description: Open DD Race night. Non-stop full-contact racing on gruelling tracks!
Status: Finished: results official

A record 10th win for VM's **Dlocky**, with 158 points and 8 wins. Congratulations!

2nd place goes to PM's own **Jam 616**, 23 points behind with 135 and 3 wins.

3rd place goes to **Flying ET**, a single point behind with 134 and 4 wins.

A special mention for A&B's **Roberson** who won his first race, defending well in the mini!


In the season standings, there's no change in position for VM's **Dlocky** and **Flying ET** in 1 st and 2nd respectively, but PM's own **Jam 616** has snuck into 3rd place ahead of **J De Cnodder** by a single point.

Event Results:

Position Name Points Margin Wins Podiums Top 10s
VM.Dlocky (finland69)
158 - 8 14 21
[PM] Jam 616 (racon)
135 +23 3 8 21
[PM]FLYING ET (Atthis)
134 +1 4 10 21
57 J De Cnodder (dendc)
110 +24 3 6 16
[PM] Jon 606 (Jon606)
95 +15 0 2 19
Coniferkiller (dazboy)
94 +1 1 8 12
TO_YOU (detail)
88 +6 0 3 16
Jamin (o000o)
62 +26 0 2 10
RG^RD2 (rallydriver2)
48 +14 1 4 6
*‹Jason (Aab)
46 +2 0 0 8
RedÉRob (Isaac68EA)
45 +1 1 2 9
[MRc]matteoszop (mattgod)
38 +7 0 2 7
Uber (nicolarson5)
21 +17 0 1 4
Dupro (denver.shaw123)
18 +3 0 0 6
[BRM] JMiquel (JMiquel)
9 +9 0 1 1
6 +3 0 0 4
[dorifto] (MrBlazeFist)
3 +3 0 0 1
[PM] Vitas 993 (Giulio Niewiadomski)
1 +2 0 0 1

Race Results:

id Start Laps Layout Starting Finished Winner
21174 19:06 5 BangerEnduro 9 9 VM.Dlocky (finland69)
Position Name Car Points
1 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XRG 10
2 [BRM] JMiquel (JMiquel) XFG 9
3 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) XFG 8
4 Jamin (o000o) XFG 7
5 Uber (nicolarson5) XRG 6
6 TO_YOU (detail) XRG 5
7 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) XFG 4
8 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) XFG 3
9 *‹Jason (Aab) XFG 2
21175 19:12 5 BangerEnduro 9 8 [PM] Jam 616 (racon)
Position Name Car Points
1 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) XFG 10
2 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XRG 9
3 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) XFG 8
4 Jamin (o000o) XFG 7
5 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) XFG 6
6 *‹Jason (Aab) XFG 5
7 TO_YOU (detail) XRG 4
8 Uber (nicolarson5) XRG 3
21176 19:17 5 BangerEnduro 8 6 VM.Dlocky (finland69)
Position Name Car Points
1 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XRG 10
2 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) XFG 9
3 TO_YOU (detail) XFG 8
4 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) XFG 7
5 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) XFG 6
6 Dupro (denver.shaw123) XFG 5
21178 19:27 3 ZeroG 9 9 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis)
Position Name Car Points
1 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) RB4 10
2 TO_YOU (detail) RB4 9
3 Uber (nicolarson5) RB4 8
4 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) FXO 7
5 *‹Jason (Aab) RB4 6
6 Jamin (o000o) RB4 5
7 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XRT 4
8 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) RB4 3
9 Dupro (denver.shaw123) RB4 2
21179 19:35 3 ZeroG 11 7 VM.Dlocky (finland69)
Position Name Car Points
1 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XRT 10
2 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) RB4 9
3 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) RB4 8
4 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) FXO 7
5 *‹Jason (Aab) RB4 6
6 Dupro (denver.shaw123) RB4 5
7 Uber (nicolarson5) RB4 4
21180 19:41 3 ZeroG 9 9 [PM] Jam 616 (racon)
Position Name Car Points
1 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) RB4 10
2 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) RB4 9
3 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XRT 8
4 TO_YOU (detail) RB4 7
5 *‹Jason (Aab) RB4 6
6 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) FXO 5
7 Jamin (o000o) RB4 4
8 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) FXO 3
9 Dupro (denver.shaw123) RB4 2
21182 19:51 6 ForestFrightener 13 8 VM.Dlocky (finland69)
Position Name Car Points
1 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XFJ 10
2 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) UFJ 9
3 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) UFJ 8
4 *‹Jason (Aab) UFJ 7
5 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) XFJ 6
6 TO_YOU (detail) XFJ 5
7 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) XFJ 4
8 [dorifto] (MrBlazeFist) UFJ 3
21183 19:57 6 ForestFrightener 12 9 57 J De Cnodder (dendc)
Position Name Car Points
1 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) UFJ 10
2 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XFJ 9
3 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) XFJ 8
4 *‹Jason (Aab) UFJ 7
5 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) XFJ 6
6 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) UFJ 5
7 TO_YOU (detail) XFJ 4
8 [MRc]matteoszop (mattgod) XFJ 3
9 Dupro (denver.shaw123) UFJ 2
21184 20:04 6 ForestFrightener 14 9 VM.Dlocky (finland69)
Position Name Car Points
1 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XFJ 10
2 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) XFJ 9
3 [MRc]matteoszop (mattgod) XFJ 8
4 *‹Jason (Aab) UFJ 7
5 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) UFJ 6
6 TO_YOU (detail) XFJ 5
7 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) XFJ 4
8 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) UFJ 3
9 Dupro (denver.shaw123) UFJ 2
21191 20:28 8 JumpRacev4 11 10 VM.Dlocky (finland69)
Position Name Car Points
1 VM.Dlocky (finland69) FX2 10
2 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) FX2 9
3 [MRc]matteoszop (mattgod) FX2 8
4 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) FX2 7
5 TO_YOU (detail) FX2 6
6 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) FX2 5
7 Jamin (o000o) FX2 4
8 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) FX2 3
9 Coniferkiller (dazboy) FX2 2
10 [PM] Vitas 993 (Giulio Niewiadomski) FX2 1
21192 20:34 8 JumpRacev4 11 8 VM.Dlocky (finland69)
Position Name Car Points
1 VM.Dlocky (finland69) FX2 10
2 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) FX2 9
3 Coniferkiller (dazboy) FX2 8
4 Jamin (o000o) FX2 7
5 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) FX2 6
6 [MRc]matteoszop (mattgod) FX2 5
7 TO_YOU (detail) FX2 4
8 RedÉRob (Isaac68EA) FX2 3
21193 20:41 8 JumpRacev4 11 10 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis)
Position Name Car Points
1 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) FX2 10
2 Coniferkiller (dazboy) FX2 9
3 VM.Dlocky (finland69) FX2 8
4 [MRc]matteoszop (mattgod) FX2 7
5 Jamin (o000o) FX2 6
6 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) FX2 5
7 TO_YOU (detail) FX2 4
8 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) FX2 3
9 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) FX2 2
10 RedÉRob (Isaac68EA) FXRr27 1
21195 20:51 4 MTDZX Classic S 11 10 57 J De Cnodder (dendc)
Position Name Car Points
1 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) UF1 10
2 Coniferkiller (dazboy) UF1 9
3 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) UF1 8
4 RedÉRob (Isaac68EA) UF1 7
5 VM.Dlocky (finland69) UF1 6
6 Jamin (o000o) UF1 5
7 TO_YOU (detail) UF1 4
8 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) UF1 3
9 [MRc]matteoszop (mattgod) UF1 2
10 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) UF1 1
21196 20:58 4 MTDZX Classic S 9 10 RedÉRob (Isaac68EA)
Position Name Car Points
1 RedÉRob (Isaac68EA) UF1 10
2 TO_YOU (detail) UF1 9
3 Jamin (o000o) UF1 8
4 Coniferkiller (dazboy) UF1 7
5 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) UF1 6
6 [MRc]matteoszop (mattgod) UF1 5
7 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) UF1 4
8 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) UF1 3
9 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) UF1 2
10 VM.Dlocky (finland69) UF1 1
21197 21:05 4 MTDZX Classic S 10 10 57 J De Cnodder (dendc)
Position Name Car Points
1 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) UF1 10
2 Jamin (o000o) UF1 9
3 VM.Dlocky (finland69) UF1 8
4 Coniferkiller (dazboy) UF1 7
5 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) UF1 6
6 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) UF1 5
7 RedÉRob (Isaac68EA) UF1 4
8 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) UF1 3
9 TO_YOU (detail) UF1 2
10 GHOSTRIDER (WaszPan82) UF1 1
21199 21:17 5 lfsddleague 10 7 VM.Dlocky (finland69)
Position Name Car Points
1 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XRT 10
2 Coniferkiller (dazboy) XRT 9
3 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) FXO 8
4 RG^RD2 (rallydriver2) XRT 7
5 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) RB4 6
6 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) FXO 5
7 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) RB4 4
21200 21:24 5 lfsddleague 10 10 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis)
Position Name Car Points
1 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) RB4 10
2 Coniferkiller (dazboy) XRT 9
3 RG^RD2 (rallydriver2) XRT 8
4 TO_YOU (detail) RB4 7
5 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) FXO 6
6 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XRT 5
7 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) RB4 4
8 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) FXO 3
9 RedÉRob (Isaac68EA) RB4 2
10 GHOSTRIDER (WaszPan82) RB4 1
21201 21:31 5 lfsddleague 10 8 RG^RD2 (rallydriver2)
Position Name Car Points
1 RG^RD2 (rallydriver2) XRT 10
2 Coniferkiller (dazboy) XRT 9
3 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) FXO 8
4 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) RB4 7
5 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) RB4 6
6 TO_YOU (detail) RB4 5
7 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XRT 4
8 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) FXO 3
21203 21:42 4 [CAD]DDLEAGUE 8 9 [PM] Jam 616 (racon)
Position Name Car Points
1 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) XFG 10
2 RG^RD2 (rallydriver2) XFG 9
3 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) XFG 8
4 Coniferkiller (dazboy) XRG 7
5 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) XRG 6
6 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XRG 5
7 RedÉRob (Isaac68EA) XFG 4
8 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) XFG 3
9 GHOSTRIDER (WaszPan82) XFX 2
21204 21:49 4 [CAD]DDLEAGUE 9 9 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis)
Position Name Car Points
1 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) XFG 10
2 RG^RD2 (rallydriver2) XFG 9
3 Coniferkiller (dazboy) XRG 8
4 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) XFG 7
5 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) XFG 6
6 RedÉRob (Isaac68EA) XFG 5
7 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) XFG 4
8 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XRG 3
9 GHOSTRIDER (WaszPan82) XFG 2
21205 21:55 4 [CAD]DDLEAGUE 9 8 Coniferkiller (dazboy)
Position Name Car Points
1 Coniferkiller (dazboy) XRG 10
2 RedÉRob (Isaac68EA) XFG 9
3 VM.Dlocky (finland69) XRG 8
4 [PM] Jon 606 (Jon606) XFG 7
5 57 J De Cnodder (dendc) XFG 6
6 RG^RD2 (rallydriver2) XFG 5
7 [PM] Jam 616 (racon) XFG 4
8 [PM]FLYING ET (Atthis) XFG 3