Race #30153

Friday 7th October 2022, 19:24 UTC

Event: Open DD Season 8 Round 5
Status: Finished
Server: PiranMOTODestructionDerby
Venue: AS1
Track: [cad]dd2
Lap Length: 2.32 km / 1.44 miles
Sectors: 2
Laps: 3
Race Distance: 6.97 km / 4.33 miles
Weather: Clear day
Wind: No wind
Notes: Can join mid-race

Final Results:

Position Car Name Rolling Score Rolling Score Decayed
1 VPI-3 ‚’.‚„.‚ƒήFoch 0 0
2 VPI-3 R.D.C Alexey 0 0
3 VPI-3 iiiiil 0 0
4 VPI-3 Egorka? 0 0
5 VPI-3 [RDSR] Fearr 0 0
6 VPI-3 [PM] Jam 616 0 0
8 VPI-3 [MRc] PedroBR 0 0
9 VPI-3 [dorifto] 0 0
10 VPI-3 kyr1l? 0 0
11 VPI-3 Brok 0 0
12 VPI-3 Jamin 0 0
14 VPI-3 [PM] Vitas 993 0 0
15 VPI-3 [PM] Jon 606 0 0
16 VPI-3 SO•Benray 0 0

Lap log:

id Time Name Car Lap No S1 S2 S3 Lap Total
307824 2022-10-07 19:26:29 R.D.C Alexey VPI-3 1 46.71 - - 01:18.07 01:18.07
307825 2022-10-07 19:26:30 ‚’.‚„.‚ƒήFoch VPI-3 1 47.98 - - 01:19.14 01:19.14
307826 2022-10-07 19:26:31 [RDSR] Fearr VPI-3 1 47.55 - - 01:20.08 01:20.08
307827 2022-10-07 19:26:32 Egorka? VPI-3 1 49.85 - - 01:21.47 01:21.47
307828 2022-10-07 19:26:34 iiiiil VPI-3 1 51.75 - - 01:23.22 01:23.22
307829 2022-10-07 19:26:35 [dorifto] VPI-3 1 52.60 - - 01:24.67 01:24.67
307830 2022-10-07 19:26:35 kyr1l? VPI-3 1 51.61 - - 01:24.73 01:24.73
307831 2022-10-07 19:26:36 unnamed VPI-3 1 52.56 - - 01:25.38 01:25.38
307832 2022-10-07 19:26:37 [PM]FLYING ET VPI-3 1 50.90 - - 01:26.42 01:26.42
307833 2022-10-07 19:26:37 Jamin VPI-3 1 51.58 - - 01:26.76 01:26.76
307834 2022-10-07 19:26:39 THE EXORCIST VPI-3 1 53.65 - - 01:28.23 01:28.23
307835 2022-10-07 19:26:39 Brok VPI-3 1 54.21 - - 01:28.36 01:28.36
307836 2022-10-07 19:26:40 [MRc] PedroBR VPI-3 1 53.96 - - 01:29.23 01:29.23
307837 2022-10-07 19:26:41 [PM] Jam 616 VPI-3 1 52.23 - - 01:30.52 01:30.52
307838 2022-10-07 19:26:41 SO•Benray VPI-3 1 59.00 - - 01:30.67 01:30.67
307839 2022-10-07 19:26:42 [PM] Jon 606 VPI-3 1 53.60 - - 01:31.25 01:31.25
307840 2022-10-07 19:26:46 [PM] Vitas 993 VPI-3 1 01:02.40 - - 01:35.57 01:35.57
307841 2022-10-07 19:27:37 R.D.C Alexey VPI-3 2 37.09 - - 01:08.37 02:26.44
307842 2022-10-07 19:27:39 ‚’.‚„.‚ƒήFoch VPI-3 2 37.56 - - 01:08.78 02:27.92
307843 2022-10-07 19:27:44 [RDSR] Fearr VPI-3 2 39.21 - - 01:12.80 02:32.88
307844 2022-10-07 19:27:44 iiiiil VPI-3 2 37.14 - - 01:09.76 02:32.98
307845 2022-10-07 19:27:47 Egorka? VPI-3 2 37.33 - - 01:14.86 02:36.33
307846 2022-10-07 19:27:52 [PM]FLYING ET VPI-3 2 42.97 - - 01:14.57 02:40.99
307847 2022-10-07 19:27:52 [PM] Jam 616 VPI-3 2 39.42 - - 01:11.07 02:41.59
307848 2022-10-07 19:27:53 kyr1l? VPI-3 2 46.49 - - 01:17.44 02:42.17
307849 2022-10-07 19:27:53 [MRc] PedroBR VPI-3 2 41.59 - - 01:13.40 02:42.63
307850 2022-10-07 19:27:55 Brok VPI-3 2 42.68 - - 01:16.10 02:44.46
307851 2022-10-07 19:27:56 THE EXORCIST VPI-3 2 44.13 - - 01:16.97 02:45.20
307852 2022-10-07 19:28:00 Jamin VPI-3 2 44.63 - - 01:22.16 02:48.92
307853 2022-10-07 19:28:01 [dorifto] VPI-3 2 53.93 - - 01:25.40 02:50.07
307854 2022-10-07 19:28:02 [PM] Vitas 993 VPI-3 2 42.69 - - 01:16.07 02:51.64
307855 2022-10-07 19:28:03 [PM] Jon 606 VPI-3 2 47.79 - - 01:21.62 02:52.87
307856 2022-10-07 19:28:04 SO•Benray VPI-3 2 50.58 - - 01:22.94 02:53.61
307857 2022-10-07 19:28:47 ‚’.‚„.‚ƒήFoch VPI-3 3 37.11 - - 01:08.28 03:36.20
307858 2022-10-07 19:28:47 R.D.C Alexey VPI-3 3 37.87 - - 01:10.06 03:36.50
307859 2022-10-07 19:28:53 iiiiil VPI-3 3 38.51 - - 01:09.74 03:42.72
307860 2022-10-07 19:28:57 Egorka? VPI-3 3 38.55 - - 01:10.21 03:46.54
307861 2022-10-07 19:29:00 [RDSR] Fearr VPI-3 3 44.61 - - 01:16.48 03:49.36
307862 2022-10-07 19:29:02 [PM] Jam 616 VPI-3 3 38.95 - - 01:10.26 03:51.85
307863 2022-10-07 19:29:03 [PM]FLYING ET VPI-3 3 38.86 - - 01:11.18 03:52.17
307864 2022-10-07 19:29:10 [MRc] PedroBR VPI-3 3 43.18 - - 01:17.03 03:59.66
307865 2022-10-07 19:29:11 [dorifto] VPI-3 3 38.35 - - 01:10.26 04:00.33
307866 2022-10-07 19:29:11 kyr1l? VPI-3 3 47.72 - - 01:18.41 04:00.58
307867 2022-10-07 19:29:11 Brok VPI-3 3 43.56 - - 01:16.25 04:00.71
307868 2022-10-07 19:29:13 Jamin VPI-3 3 40.04 - - 01:13.31 04:02.23
307869 2022-10-07 19:29:13 THE EXORCIST VPI-3 3 42.37 - - 01:17.18 04:02.38
307870 2022-10-07 19:29:14 [PM] Vitas 993 VPI-3 3 39.54 - - 01:11.90 04:03.54
307871 2022-10-07 19:29:17 [PM] Jon 606 VPI-3 3 39.97 - - 01:13.32 04:06.19
307872 2022-10-07 19:29:21 SO•Benray VPI-3 3 45.27 - - 01:16.82 04:10.43